FAK - emergency phones


Within the organisation of the Promenthouse Defence line, the 12 bunkers are served by fortress troops stationed within the bunkers. Infantry Troops belonging to the Frontier Brigade 1 protected the outside of the bunkers.

To assure communication links between the 12 bunkers and the troops protecting the exterior, a telephone link was installed.
Cables and telephone lines buried in the ground secured this link.
They connected the outside shelters and the FAK (Feldanschlusskasten – telephone terminals) The exterior lines arrive at the fortification’s exchange. From there they leave either towards the weapon (combat post) or towards the exchange.

To summarise, the FAK are dispersed a little further away from the fortified line and assure that a link is available between the troops outside and the fortification. The troops positioned on the outside were able to get more support if they needed reinforcements along the Promenthouse Defence line.